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To have the English-language title of a film appear as default to US or UK users, the alternate title must be added with an attribute of “IMDb Display Title” and the corresponding country attribute. Live games For example this Italian film has “Life Is Beautiful” as an alternate title attribute of “IMDb Display Title” for the country “USA”. So Italian visitors to the page will see the original title:

He knew he wanted to change the title as soon as he was handed the book. “I said, ‘I’m not going to call this movie “The Dying Animal” — it’s ridiculous!’” He suggested “Elegy,” to which an executive said, “Who knows what ‘elegy’ means?” (It’s a poem that usually reflects on the dead.) “I said, ‘Think of something you like better,’ and he couldn’t.”

Having said that, I do know that you can’t generally copyright a title unless it’s a trademark, brand name, or has the potential to be passed off as something more substantial by consumers. Knockoff names like Battman or Batmann may cause legal headaches.

Traditionally, actors in daytime soap operas are not credited in the episode opening sequences; this has been the case because of the escapist tone of the soap opera genre and as such, producers of soaps did not want cast members credited in the opening sequence in order to keep this intact. The drawback to this is that cast members are often identified by fans as their soap opera personas and not as themselves, as opposed to actors on other television programs who, in many cases, were identifiable by their own name.

Binder turned to a variation on Saul Bass’ “graphic line” style (as established in 1955’s The Man With The Golden Arm), but used dots for the barrel of the gun and bullet holes, instead of lines. Where Dr. No went its own way was in introducing the motif of see-through silhouettes which would be copied to great effect in multiple later Bond films, notably Goldfinger. That part of the Dr. No title sequence is often forgotten though because by then the James Bond theme music is over.

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