Room Data Sheets SmartTool

RDS (Room Data Sheets) are used for capturing the requirements and information of each space in a design. They are typically prepared by the client at the time of briefing (also known as architectural programing in the US) of the design process. They may be updated throughout the design process to reflect changes or to give the necessary information of the people responsible for delivering a project.

The Room Data Sheets SmartTool is an accurate and reliable sheet view and scheduling utility for creating room (or space) sheets of data in the Revit project. The tool can generate 3D plans, elevations, and schedule views of spaces or rooms.

The tool will default to the Room Numbering Template and Sheet Format that is determined by the Revit Project. However you can choose an alternative style of sheet and name from the Tool Options tab. Or, you can click ‘Load Configuration’ …’ on the toolbar to load previously saved configurations that will replace the current settings. This can reduce the amount of manual re-work needed for each room or space type and size.

The tab ‘Naming’ permits the user to select whether the space or room is included in the sheet’s Name text box which is located on the left of the screen. The ‘View Title: option specifies the text that appears in the title bar for each view. View Increment specifies the number of increments between each view on the sheet. The ‘Spacing’ option allows you to set the spacing between each view. The ‘Exclude Titles from Estimating View Sizes for Sheets’ option will prevent titles being included in the calculation of the number of views on the sheet.
